Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Day 2 || Kargil - Leh

Himalaya offroad biking

The itenary || Kargil - Leh

Day 2 : KARGIL - LEH

Dist : 220km
Time : 6 hours (est)

1st : Namikala
2nd : Fotula
3rd : lamayuru (lunch) + moonland
4th : magnetic hill
Last : leh

90% tarmac 10% offroad

7:30am - breakfast
8:00am - start ride
11:00am - namikala
1:00pm - lamayuru (lunch)
5:00pm - leh

Accommodation : Puma house, Leh

The master plan

2nd day
Leh - Kargil 220km
Road Condition : Very Good

👉 Fill up fuel at kargil

Attraction :
Namika La 60km
Fotula 90km, Alt 4100m
Lamayuru Monastary 110km (lunch)
Moonland 120km
Magnetic Hill

Name : Puma House, Leh
Altitude : 3500m

The real experience

9am Leave Kargil Chattuk Hotel heading to 1st checkpoint at Lamayuru.

After about 25km of riding, we noticed that we were the only one on the road. And it's definitely not Kargil town. Our guide already told us that we shall be fuelling up our gas before leaving Kargil town. Then finally we decided to turn back as our fuel are getting lesser and we are heading further away from the town.

Luckily, after maybe 10 minutes, we saw our group heading towards us. Alhamdulillah. So we are back on track now.

We then continue riding with the gang and chased Shahidan, the group leader. We told him we missed the petrol stn so we are almost empty. He asked us to keep riding as there'll be another gas stn in front.

Minutes later, we saw Indian Oil gas stn and make a pitstop. Alhamdulillah.. All fueled up and ready to start the journey now.

We keep riding and along the way made multiple stops at scenic points with/without the gang. We also had tea break at Wakha village tea stall at Mulbek.

Continued the journey and passing over Namikala pass (tandus), which is the highest peak of the valley. We also passed Village Kanghral - seeing local people with the face of Nepalese/Tibetian (very fair, small eyes). They are also wearing colourful dresses, and most of them are either Muslim or Hindu (can see them covering heads, and saw masjid and temples along the way.

This is also when we met a very friendly Korean photographer who took our pictures on the bike. He asked for my email address and promised to send it to me soon. Fingers crossed!

After almost 2 hours of riding, we had a stop over several km before Fatula when I discovered that I left my pouch bag at the tea stall at Wakha Village, Mulbek.. That is 2 hours away from here!!

Luckily there was Wei Lung and gang who have their walkie talkie which I used to contact Hanif. Later Shahidan arrived and we told him same story. He tried to get a taxi to pick up the bag and bring to Leh, however not able to bmget due to bad reception. The. We rememred that the Yusoof guy whom we took picture with at Ali's tea stall at Wakha saved his mobile number in my phone. So, we called him using Imran's phone. After several tries, he answered!

Then we asked him to go to Ali's stall and look for the bag. I've actually left it in the toilet and luckily it was still there. Alhamdulillah.

After several tries with the taxi, our guide Sonan finally decided to go himself to Wakha. He took one of the bike to go there. Pray to Allah that he will find my pouchbag again, safely. Bismillahirrahmanirahim.

2.15pm Stop over for lunch at Lamayuru. Its a very decent place where they served fried rice, western and Indian food. And this is main pitstop for most bikers who came here. We could see biker groups stickers on the wall from various countries.

3pm On the bike

5pm passed by Village Nimmu. Mostly Hindus or Buddhas (I can't differentiate). Rocky mountain all the way

Then passing by Punjabs area

Phey village - army base camps

543pm Entering Leh - Ladakh district

Lost in Leh.. We got separated from the team. After trying our luck finding the hotel, we stop by a tea shop to ask for WiFi. The boy gave us his hot-spot. We managed to contact shahidan and they are actually several km away from us. So we waited at the tea shop while enjoying our mint tea.

6.54pm Arrived Puma House in Leh. Time to pray and rest.

Get ready for next day.


All went well

The highlights

1. Missed the team in Kargil Town while they were fueling up. Went further off 25km away from the team before realising we were separated

2. Accidentally left my pouch bag in the toilet in Wakha Village in Mulbek. Only noticed the missing pouch 2 hours away from the village. Sonam the guide took a motorcycle to return back to Mulbek and pick up the bag from Yaaqob, one of the villager whom I unintentionally saved his phone number to transfer his photo that I took at the tea stall

3. Arrived at Leh roundabout before noticing that we overshooted the lead marshal. Tried to find Puma hotel ourselves but not successful. Got help from local Tibet boys by borrowing their hot spot and call Shahidan, the marshal via WhatsApp call

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