Saturday, 27 February 2016

Travel checklist

What are the must have in my travel checklist;

~ passport + ticket
~ International adapter
~ Telekung + travel sejadah
~ Charger
~ Instant food; serunding, ike bilis, beras, brahim, chilli tuna
~ Long Jon
~ Ponstan
~ Mini kettle and travel cooker
~ Luggage scale
~ Emergency folding bag

To do list before the trip;
~ Currencies

Friday, 26 February 2016

Happy birthday kids

Last weekend abg balik to celebrate bday aril and Nana.


On Saturday we went to ioi city mall. Abg belanja kids masuk District21. RM75 kot sorang. Overpriced la...adoii

Sunday we went to Midvalley...  Makan TCRS dengan family Syime... Potong kek breadstory...

Abg belanja pistol nerf and playdoh little pony. Ok la. Kids happy kejap.

Yesterday 26/2 tt dtg rumah bawa present kids... Again, pistol boom and playdoh for them. Ha ha great minds

Semoga anakku membesar menjadi insan awesome.  InsyaAllah

Mama have high hope on you

Aril the legend

Memang lejen si aril nih.

"Mama tadi aril dengan kawan baik aril, Luqman si ketua kelas"
"aik.. Adik kata Adik ketua darjah"
"dah kena pecat"
"huohhh.. Dah kenape?"
"aril (buat tangan pot pet itik)"
"a ah. Pastu cikgu kata awak nak kena pecat ketua darjah ke?"
"pastu aril kata... Ha pecatlah saya cikgu"


Saturday, 20 February 2016

Oh my nana.. Conteng wallpaper mama yer

Last night nana was trying to show off her creativity..  She drew a lembu on my wallpaper....  Terkejut mama smpi melompat turun kerusi... Huhuuu

Cuba guna nail Polish remover.. Hilang skit je, tapi mama takut nak sental sgt.. Kang tanggal semua

Syasya kata.. "R E D H A je la mama ye. Nana tak berniat tu..."

Oh anakku...

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Balik kampung

It was a tough week indeed. But we made it alhamdulillah.
On Tuesday night, we went back on Airasia to KB. Ponteng sekolah Rabu - Jumaat.
Arrived KB at 9.30pm,. Ayah was there to pick us up. The kids were all sleeping in the plane. No drama except for their hyperactivity at the KLIA2 (as usual lah).

Rabu pagi, went to visit baby Arman Ikram.. So cute si montel. Then petang to besut. Kids can't wait to meet cousin Aisyah.

I went back to PC with Nana. Need to complete my ICLP paper which was long overdue.. Alhamdulillah manage to finish it on Friday. Emailed to supervisors, got several comments and successfully repaired it.

Ahad pagi I went to besut again. Isnin was Marizi's and Iwang's kenduri. All went well.

I was so sad that I did not received any calls or message from Philippines. I hope everything was fine. Got a short call on Monday morning saying that he is now done and heading back to Manila alhamdulillah...  May everything goes well.

On Selasa, brought the kids to molly fantasy. They loved it. I had little time to do my kitchen shopping.

It's Rabu and and I'm back at work. Sigh. He called several times this morning. Alhamdulillah..  Headed back to his home now.


Owh..  Let me share our trip back from KB.
We arrived KLIA2 at 11pm+. Ran to ERL transit to catch a late train to KLIA. We managed to get a normal rate taxi for RM64+..  Phew.. It will be doubled if pass midnight. In KLIA2, starting 11pm the metered taxi already is charging midnight fees. Alhamdulillah the kids we excellent.

Thank you all my sayangs for making mama's life easier. Love u

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Aril oh aril

Posted on 4 Feb 2013..

Mama excited mentatihkan baby. Panggil my 4y.o syazeril.."adik adik tengok ni baby pandai jalan"..

Syazeril pandang dgn muka toye..


Posted 4 Feb 2010..

mama,masa mama kat hospital dulu tu kan, adik jalan-jalan-jalan, lepas tu dia masuk dalam perut mama.dia jalan sendiri kan? sebab tu mama sakit perut kan *adoi la, ape nak jawab nih?*

Adoih... Boys

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Aril jadi ketua kelas

Semalam Aril bawa balik buku kecik dengan pensil baru. Dia beli kat kedai sekolah. Due hengget katanya.

Hari ni cikgu lantik aril jadi ketua kelas. Fuhh!! Mama macam tak percaya. Tahniah Adik. Mama love u

Syasya khatam Quran

22 Jan 2016, Jumaat - Alhamdulillah Syasya Yasmin khatam Quran hari ni.
Semoga menjadi insan yang cinta Al Quran..