Saturday, 30 November 2013
Kilat Bikers blogger
It doesn't take 1 night to nicely write and package everything that has started over a year ago.. I hope our friends will all come forward to help me with this blog..
Come visit our new blog...
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Back home
I'm back home finally. It has been more than a week now.. it's 13th Muharram 1435H and we left Madinah on 2nd Muharram 1435H. I was too busy with so many things.. flying here and there,, and finally now get to sit in front of my home pc. I hope I can blog something...
OK, so we left Madinah on the 6th November 2013 or 2nd Muharram 1435H at 7am flight. But the flight was delayed by 45minutes. So we arrived Malaysia on the 6th November night -- not 8.30pm but 9.15pm. Tt and Abe Irfan (& clans) was supposed to wait for us at the arrival hall but since they have waited for so long they have left for prayer and met us at the arrival maybe around 10.15pm. Pity them, it's a working night and yet still at the airport picking us up. Thank you guys!
On the 7th Nov, at 4.30pm me and hubs left for Kota Bharu to pick us kids. Alhamdulillah we met Aril and Yana and Mok Ayah later that evening, and Syasya much more later that night at Mok's house (** thanks to Wan & Beja for bringing Syasya to us ASAP). We owe everyone so much.. May Allah bless all.. Insya Allah.
Then on the 12th November (Tuesday) we attended Syasya's Hari Anugerah kecemerlangan pelajar at SK Alor Lintah. Came to our surprise, even for only a short 1.5month schooling at SKAL, she has won the best student for Standard 1 and best for 6 subjects!. Alhamdulillah. We are so proud of you kakak! **hugs**
We drove back to KL after Zuhur prayer (around 3pm) and arrived Puchong at 11pm (or later). It was so hectic as I have to iron all clothing for Kakak & Aril and prepare nursery bags for all 3 of them. Thank you Allah for giving me strength.
We went to work on Wednesday! phew!..
So now back to work.. normal routine all over again.. but I've promised to myself, I'll look at it from a different angle. Life is so perfect. We are very lucky if we make ourselves lucky! Remember that..
**stay positive**
#I'll blog about Madinah soon
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Saturday, 2 November 2013
Makkah journey (pt12) - Summary
Dengan nama Allah yang maha pemurah lagi maha mengasihani. Segala puji bagi Allah. Tuhan sekalian alam..
Terdapat 3 jenis kerja Haji yang diringkaskan seperti berikut :
1. Haji Tamattuk : Umrah dahulu kemudian Haji
2. Haji Ifraf : Haji dahulu baru Umrah
3. Haji Qiran : Haji dan Umrah dikerjakan serentak
Kesemua kerja Haji harus dilaksanakan di dalam bulan-bulan Haji iaitu daripada 1 Syawal hingga 30 Zulhijjah.
Berikut ringkasan kerja Haji bagi yang melakukan Haji Tamattuk :-
1. Niat
Sekiranya memasuki Mekah dahulu, harus siap berpakaian ihram di Malaysia kerana tempat bermiqat (niat Umrah) adalah di Qarnul Manazil (80km dari kota suci Mekah).
Sekiranya memasuki Madinah dahulu, boleh berpakaian ihram di Madinah dan berniat umrah di Bir Ali.
2. Tawaf & Sa'ie
Setelah tiba di Masjidilharam, harus mengerjakan Tawaf & Sa'ie sebanyak 7 pusingan. Sa'ie tidak sah sekiranya tawaf tidak sah.
3. Bercukur / bergunting
Hendaklah menggugurkan rambut barang 3 helai atau mencukur bagi lelaki bagi melepaskan keseluruhan larangan ihram
1. Niat
Pada 8 Zulhijjah, hendaklah berniat ihram Haji sebelum keluar ke Tanah Halal Arafah
2. Wuquf di Arafah (rukun)
Berada walau seketika di Arafah dari gelincir matahari (Zohor) pada 9 Zulhijjah hingga terbit fajar 10 Zulhijjah
3. Mabit di Muzdalifah
Berada di Muzdalifah selepas setengah malam 10 Zulhijjah
4. Mabit di Mina
Bermalam di Mina (lebih setengah malam) pada malam-malam 11, 12 & 13 Zulhijjah.
5. Melontar Jamrah
- Melontar Jamrah Aqabah pada 10 Zulhijjah
- Melontar ketiga-tiga jamrah (Sughra, Wusta & Aqabah)
6. Tawaf & Sa'ie rukun
- Tawaf baitullah 7 pusingan
- Sa'ie dari Bukit Safa ke Bukit Marwah