Saturday, 21 September 2013

The ultimate journey

Dengan lafaz Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. .
Ingin saya meluahkan rasa bersyukur yang tak terhigga pada Allah s.w.t kerana telah memberi peluang kepada kami dengan menjemput kami insan lemah ini ke rumahmu ya Allah...
It is such a long wait .. tetapi penantiannya amat berbaloi!
Kami telah selamat melapor diri di Kelana Jaya hari ini. Proses alhamdulillah lancar. Pergerakan para jemaah menaiki bas ke KLIA dari Kelana Jaya berjalan sepertimana dirancang.
Terima kasih tak terhingga pada rakan sahabat dan keluarga yang bersusah payah menghantar kami baik dirumah mahupun di KJ. It really meant a lot to us. Syukran!
Insyaallah akan tiba di KLIA beberapa minit lagi. Konvoi sekurang-kurangnya 10 buah bas diiringi polis trafik begitu lancar. Syukur alhamdulillah.
Mohon semoga Allah permudahkan perjalanan kami dan mengurniakan Haji yang mabrur.
In shaa Allah

Vancouver part 2

Vancouver trip was pretty short for me. I have only couple of days there and the conference was so packed with programs day and night. But I enjoyed it usual!
Besides vancouver city, I went to Grouse Montain and the capilano suspension bridge. The view was awesome. Not too far from downtown. Just catch your free shuttle at Canada Place. It will take on 30 minutes across the Lions gate bridge and wvallah.
The entrance fee for Grouse mountain varies. You can take the basic $39 or up to $229 if you want to have an 8 minutes helicopter experience. I just took the $55 which includes going up the mountain via cable cars and the wind turbine viewing deck. Very nice!!
For adventurous people you can try the zip line ($110) or even paragliding ($220++)
I did not have time to go to Whistler. It is a very famous ski resort and cost from $125 (day trip by bus). There is also a scenic view trip via classical mountain train which cost at $200++
I'll continue blogging about vancouver soon. See ya!!

Sunday, 8 September 2013


Gosh . It's another great journey..

I am here at Vancouver, Canada BC.. lovely and lively city indeed!!!

The journey was too long but I manage not to have jet-lag. Yay!

From KL I flew 6 hours to Narita, Tokyo.. stop over for an hour and a half.. then continue for another 9 hours flight to LA. Transit for 5 hours in LA. Sadly, Terminal 2 is very small. Maybe 4 or 5 shops only. I was bored but luckily the VIP Lounge was quite awesome (well, not too awesome tho)... hihi...Finally from LA I took Air Canada, 3 hours flight and arrived Vancouver at 1030pm. The meal prepared by MAS and Air Canada was great!!

Vancouver airport was not too big.. taxi is available easily and it cost me around CAD50 to arrive to the hotel.

Had a great night rest because the Hotel provide me a suite!!!! Lucky me :) ;)

Monday, 2 September 2013

pack! pack! pack!

I feel like a true traveller now. Weekend means pack and go!
It has been a very busy month for me/us! and this will continue at least until November!!

since Aidilfitri we went here and there.. packing-unpacking-packing again....

The Mecca part I can't wait.

And owh I forgot to mention, I've successfully registered as student last week but still pending for subject registration. I hope everything will goes well

May Allah bless us and protect our family. Amin ya Rabbal a la min